journal prompt #1
by Andrea Rossignol
This book
affected me greatly. I felt all sorts of emotions while reading. I felt sad for
bud that his mother died and that he had to go to an orphanage and to several
foster homes that he hated. For a kid his age, having to go through moving to
different homes, meeting new people that you are going to live with for a long
time and having to make new friends must be very difficult. I felt angry when
bud was at the Amos’s house and they son was being mean to bud and ratting bud
out to the boy’s parents made me very angry and I felt for bud. It would be
very difficult having to live with someone you know did not like you and who
would tell on you for things you did not do. When bud was sent to the shed for
the night at the Amos’s, I felt very sad that bud was in a small, dark and
scary place with no one to help him. After bud escaped the shed and found his
way to the library I also felt safe because all my emotions were with bud at
that moment and I felt very happy that he was at a place where he felt safe and
could sleep for a little while. When bud was reunited with his best friend
bugs, I could relate to bud because I know what it’s like to be away from a
friend and then finally be with them again so I was very happy. While reading
the end of the book I couldn’t help but feel very happy for bud. After going
through what he has as a young boy, from bring in a foster home that was
terrible to being homeless for a while, he was finally in a family that loved
him and he loved with endless food and warmth it made me feel like I was
connected with bud and I was there with him through his journey and I just felt
so happy for him.
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