Thursday 19 June 2014

Journal Prompt #4

By: Catrina Earnshaw

 This novel reminds me of Dave at Night which is a novel that is written by Gail Carson Levine. They have similar plots. In Dave at Night, Dave becomes an orphan and goes to the Hebrew Home for Boys where he is treated unfairly and cruelly. He begins to sneak out at night and is accepted into the Harlem Renaissance and its culture and music. Bud is also an orphan in the Bud not Buddy, and discovers the group “Herman E. Calloway and the Dusky Devastators of the Depression" and becomes a secret member of their group. They also give him a saxophone and he shows a great appreciation for music during the novel. Bud was also treated unfairly when he was at the Amos’s which caused him to run away. Both boys seemed to find comfort in music and both books explored the issue of poverty. Also in both books, you get to see from the perspective of a young orphan boy and you get to see their innocence and youthfulness. Both boys are impressed by fairly simple things like typical children like how Bud was so impressed by running hot water. Both books are very similar and if you enjoy either one I definitely suggest you to read the other! Both books are very well written and interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I have read both books and they are very well written books. They are both similar in the way they talk about racism and kids having to live on there own. even today racism is an important issue in todays society and that's very unfortunate especially for young kids who don't know what the word even means. most importantly young boys and girls are having to live in homes that aren't there real homes with people that aren't there real families which is too bad and needs to be changed.
