Sunday 22 June 2014

journal prompt #3

by Andrea Rossignol

Although this movie is a lot different to Bud Not Buddy, this book reminds me of The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas. In this movie we learned about a boy who was in the concentration camp for Jews. A German boy did not know why this boy was there and when he found out he did not care because they were friends and even though the Jewish boy was not from the same country as the German boy, it did not matter at all the German boy wanted to help the Jew find his father no matter what would happen. This is just like the fact that since Bud did not have a lot of money like Herman E. Calloway and was homeless in Bud Not Buddy, Herman did not care, instead he wanted to help him out and find Bud a place to stay where he could get food and warmth. In the Boy in the Stripped Pajamas, the German would always bring the Jew food even though that was against the rules. The German felt bad for the Jew so he did whatever he could do to help his friend out. After a while, Herman started to take a real liking to bud so he made Bud on of his family and band members, he got him a saxophone and taught him how to play so he could be with the band. The German boy didn’t care that his parents did not like the Jews, he gave him food, sat with him and talked with him. No matter what race or where in the world you’re from, no one gets left alone and we should all know what it’s like to feel special.

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